Tuesday 24 March 2009

Update 24/03

Gannt Chart week commencing 23/03/09

Above is the gannt chart which has some of the new colours which show where I am at this time (guide to the left of this blog). At the moment I am falling behind with the coding due to having problems with it not producing the right results. All it was doing is pushing the densities horizontally. However today I have manage to solve this problem but I have got another one at the moment which is that the gird is fuzzy. Hopefully this shouldnt take me too long and with me putting in more hours into it I should have it completed by Friday. Another problem is the grid currently I can't get it to fill the entire screen which I am looking to solve within the next few days.

On the writing side at the moment I have made a start at the literature review which seems to be going ok. Should hopefully have this done for Sunday if everything goes well.

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