Tuesday 24 March 2009

Draft Abstracts

Version 1

In this paper we present a simple and fast implementation of a stable fluid simulator which can be used within a games engine. Here the technique is used to represent a water based fluid but the technique can be used to for a number of realistic fluid-like effects like swirling smoke. The technique uses simplified Navier-Stokes questions which are hard to solve with strict physical accuracy being their main goal. Our technique on the other hand gears towards the visual side of the equation and where stability and speed are the prime importance to the equations. We also show that our technique is easy to code by providing the source code for our technique along with this paper. Our algorithms run in real-time for 2D grids on a standard PC hardware which includes Direct3D.

Version 2

Simulating accurate representations of fluids in a real-time environment can be tricky and sometimes impossible to be included within a game due to the complex structure and physical equations which are required to represent them accurately. However, within a game environment it is not really necessary to have physically accurate representations of fluid but have something that looks like it and that has some of its physical properties. In this paper we present a fast and stable technique for representing fluids in a real-time environment which is based on Navier-Stokes equations but have been adapted so that visual quality and speed are the prime importance. We also show that the technique can be easily coded by providing source code to a demo application along with this paper. Our algorithm runs in real-time for a 2D grid of a reasonable size on a Standard PC which has DirectX included with it.

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