Monday 16 March 2009

16/03 Update

Well I have made a lot of progress over the last week with my demo application. Here I have managed to have the program run without any errors. The program now runs with an example of a grid on screen and takes in an input from the user.
After my meeting with Dr Lucas some questions have appear about of the forces are going to be applied in term of direction and magnitude which I haven't really thought about. The way round this was an idea of having to clicks to apply the force. This in turn would give a direction and magnitude for these two coordinates and would be simple to calculate.
We also talk about me doing my report and how it would be best to do the introduction at the end of the schedule rather than doing it this week. Therefore my Gantt chart will be alter to effect this change which will be up tomorrow along with a progress report after my meeting with Dr Ă–zveren.

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