Tuesday 3 February 2009

Update 03/02

Well I have managed to achieve the goals which I set myself over the last two weeks. My application has been started which is a basic window which runs with DirectX. I have read up on GPU Gems 3 which was good but I have also read GPU Gems which was really good. It has help me come to terms with the ideas and terms behind Navier-Stoke equations. Also the steps you have to follow to produce the desirable fluid has been achieved. However the one problem with this book is that it uses the GPU to create the fluid rather than the CPU which is a type of code which I have not used before and is difficult to understand. However if I plan on building the fluid to run on the CPU first then convert it to the GPU. As it can run 6 times faster than the CPU.
I have also managed to get a demo application of Jos Stams work along with code which I plan on looking at to see how the equations are applied in his applications.

Goals for this week:
Build up on my application to include the functions of Navier-Stokes equations
Look it to the techniques used to represent fluids (Grids and Particles).

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