Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Update 11/02

Well there has been a lot achieved programming side this week. I have managed to implement some of the functions for the Navier-Stokes equation into my program. What is up is the Advection and Diffuse equations have been included along with the density calculation step for the entire grid. The velocity step still needs to be done but it similar to the density as it used Advection equation as well.
I have also came across the game called Hydrophobia (Blade Interactive) which has a game engine (HydroEngine) which provides realistic fluid dynamics technology for flowing water, allowing it to interact with the surroundings. The game is set to be released in March sometime so I do plan on having a look at the game to see how their fluid dynamics are represented.

Hydrophobia teaser trailer

This week's goals are:

  1. Get the velocity step for the application built in.
  2. Get a visual representation of the fluid done.

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