Wednesday, 21 January 2009

21/01/09 Update

Over the Christmas period I have read up on several papers. Some have really interesting ideas. Stams' 'Stable fluids' which is something I should be aiming to achieve as Stable fluids can run for along time without 'blowing up'. Another paper by Foster and Metaxas goes on about the importance of boundaries and the different types you can have and how the effect the equations of motion.

Had my first meeting for this semester with Dr Lucas. He suggests that I start to implement some of the ideas which I think is a good idea, may help me to understand some of the equations more. Also he suggested reading a chapter in GPU Gems 3 on fluid simulation which I have had a quick glance at and seems really interesting.

So my goals for the next two weeks are:
Familiarise myself with Direct X
Get a basic window running up on Direct X
Read up on GPU Gems.
Read up and try to get some of particle engine implement in Direct X

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