Thursday 2 October 2008

First Worksheet

At the moment I’m stuck between two ideas on what I want to do for my honors’ project which I have included in this worksheet. I attend to decide which idea I’m going to go through with by the end of the week.

State the topic of interest that you may wish to take forward into a project.

My first topic of interest is fluid simulation and my second topic is graphics lighting techniques.

Indicate the issues surrounding this topic that you may wish investigate.

The issues surrounding my first idea would be
The physical properties of the fluid
How the fluid reacts with objects being dropped into it.
How the fluid reacts when it is being moved (i.e. being poured)
How the fluid reacts when a force is applied to it. (i.e. wind)
The issues for my second topic are
Creating accurate lighting in a scene to improve the realism to the scene
Creating accurate shadowing corresponding to the light present to the scene
Having lighting that doesn’t slow done the rendering of a scene.

Outline your initial ideas about how you would carry out the practical aspects oft he project. i.e. what do you envisage yourself actually doing for the project.

First idea:
First of all a lot of research will have to be done into how fluids behave and the physics behind them. This will be done by reading up on a number of resources and speaking to math lecturers regarding the issues I have. A demo would also have to be created to show what I have learnt throughout the project. The demo could consist of a small area which would be a fluid which the user can apply forces to and see the reaction this has on the fluid or the possibility of dropping objects into the fluid and seeing the reaction. Another idea for a demo would be to show what happens to the fluid when it is poured from one container to another.

Second idea:
First of all research would have to be done into current lighting techniques which are used within the games industry and look into previous techniques aswell. A demo would also have to be created to show what I learnt throughout this project. My current idea for this demo would be to create a 3d which would contain a number of lights i.e. a concert stage. The player would be allowed to move around this scene freely and see the lighting which has been implemented.

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